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Our PAC fundraising goal is 100% participation. 

It is by coming together as an association that we can be a stronger voice for our industry on the issues that affect our businesses and threaten our way of life.

Since our livelihoods depend on the health of our industry, we should ALL feel compelled to give something back.

As members, we ask that you make a minimum of $25 commitment annually to support our advocacy efforts. Through your support, we as an organization will ensure that our interests are protected and a fair and competitive business policy is the priority for lawmakers.




The BOMA Michigan PAC is set up as a state-registered Independent PAC. As such, the PAC is governed by the election laws of Michigan as administered through the Secretary of State Bureau of Elections. The advantages of an Independent PAC are that the entity can accept unlimited amounts of money from an individual and can give up to 10 times the personal contribution limits to a state officeholder. For instance, the personal limit for an individual to give to a State Representative is $500. An independent PAC can give up to $5,000 to that individual. For contribution purposes, a state independent PAC CANNOT accept any corporate cash. Here’s what we CAN accept:

  • Money from an individual (known as hard money)
  • Money from another state PAC, or from an LLC (Limited Liability Company) as long as an accompanying letter explains which of the partners should be credited with the contribution.

The PAC must keep a record of an individual's name and address. However, if the person contributes more than $100 in any calendar year, the PAC must also gather their business address and occupation.

We look forward to your support and participation in BOMA’s political activities.


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